30 August 2009

BRICK The Play Down Under?

As news of BRICK The Play spread across the Internet, director Chris White was interviewed by Adam Kempenaar and Matty Robinson on Chicago Public Radio’s “Filmspotting” program.

And that’s how a theatre-trained cinephile in Australia heard about the play. Christopher Marchand, a student at Sydney’s Macquarie University, tracked Coach White down via e-mail, and invited the American high school teacher to visit Australia this October to make BRICK The Play there with the university’s student-run theatre society.

It will cost Chris about $2,500 to get from Greenville to Sydney. The students at Macquarie have promised to provide for his expenses during his two week residency, but a little help buying the plane ticket would be greatly appreciated.

Support transcontinental theatre and the reimagining of a great film on the live stage. Fund...BRICK The Play Down Under! A gift of any amount is welcome.


  1. As a long time Filmspotting listener, I'm thrilled to hear you're coming to Sydney!

    Doing my bit to spread the word here: http://www.alicetynan.com/2009/09/sydney-brick.html

  2. Donated! There better be a video this time, dammit!

  3. THANKS Sarah! I'll see if I can get a clip or two from the SC/USA production uploaded, soon.

  4. I'm interested in reading "Brick" and considering it for part of a future season. Is that a possibility?

    Leslie Price
